Monday, November 5, 2012

Food for Pleasure or Food for Fuel

There comes a time when a person asks him or herself whether they are eating for the pleasure of the act of eating, or they are eating the food as fuel so that they do not die from starvation. I understand both arguments. Food is fuel for us I understand this, but there comes a point when pleasure must come into play. For me, eating is as much about pleasure as it is about having enough energy to go about your day. If you don't like the taste of what you are eating, then you should be asking yourself why eat it then. I have come to this conclusion that there is pleasure in eating for many years, but living in Tel Aviv and Israel has reinforced the idea. Everything here looks amazing and for the most part it is delicious. I have had some of the best food in this country on the street. Falafel, Shwarma, Sabich( a sandwich of hummus, fried eggplant, hard-boiled egg, and amba which is a pickled mango sauce), shakshuka( a dish which is eggs cooked in a picante tomato sauce), schnitzel, or even western items such as pizza and sushi can be food on the street. There is a sushi bar in the middle of Rothschild St called Japanika and you will find it packed with people stumbling from the bars and clubs around Rothschild St and the city center. The idea has also been reinforced by some of the observations I have made on some of eating habits of the people I share an apartment with. I cannot understand why someone would think a full bag of plain boiled pasta would be better than pasta with some sort of sauce. I don't understand it. Food is something to be enjoyed by all humanity. When I ask someone what their favorite food is they will probably talk on end about it because they find it pleasurable to eat it. This is how we should consume our food. We should eat not to starve, but to find pleasure. There is a difference between eating to live, and living to eat. I think I live to eat.