Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Matzah Balls

 A few days ago, my friend Shoshana and I made bacon wrapped matzah balls. Sounds wicked kosher right...cough, cough.... its not. Anyways, to make these decadent treats you need to be able to make matzah balls. The easiest thing for anyone to do is pick up the matzah ball mix and do it that way. If you are Jewish however, use your mother's recipe or grandmother's recipe. It is important to note that when you make the mix for the matzah balls to let the mixture rest in the fridge for 20 minutes. Then boil some water and cook the matzah balls with the lid on for 20 minutes. It is important to make sure all the matzah balls are the same size so they cook evenly. It is also important not to open the lid while cooking the matzah balls. Matzah balls aren't pasta. Do not be tempted to stir them during cooking. If you open the lid the matzah balls will not be tender and  will be hard as a rock. When the matzah balls are cooked, wrap them in bacon. Make sure that you wrap the bacon in a way in which the bacon will not fall off during the cooking process. Make sure that the bacon seals on the bottom of the cookie sheet. When the matzah balls are wrapped with uncooked bacon, put them into a 400 degree Fahrenheit oven and cook until the bacon is crispy. They are a decadent treat and they soak up all of the delicious bacon fat. Remember folks fat = flavor.

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