Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cookin Wit Austin: chili chicken with potatoes

I hang out a lot at my friend's apartment. So when my friend Austin came rushing in at 10 tonight having not eaten dinner he wanted me to help him figure out what to eat. He showed me what he had and I figured we make something good with what he had. Ingredients are as follows:


1 onion sliced
one sliced red pepper
tablespoon of chili flake
2 tablespoons of adobo
2 tablespoons of paprika
tablespoon of chili powder 
chicken legs
tablespoon of sesame oil
2 tablespoons of olive oil

Combine the sesame oil with the olive oil and saute the onions for 2 minutes. Then I add one tablespoon of adobo. I cook that for a minute before adding the peppers and the chicken legs. I let the chicken legs brown on both sides before putting 3 cups of water to the pot. I brought that to a boil and then put it at a simmer for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes at a simmer I add quartered potatoes. I let that simmer for 20 minutes. After that the dish is the ready to eat. This is a great by itself or you could have a salad on the side if you want. It is very spicy so if you love spicy food this is for you. 

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